Ash Tosh

Meet Your Goal Plans PTs - Ash Tosh

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Meet Your Goal Plans PTs - Ash Tosh

From Injury to A Passion For Mobility

Before joining the Goal Plans team, Ashleigh owned her own successful Sports Therapy business in Perthshire, Scotland. With a track record of helping over 300 individuals recover from injuries and regain their strength, she has become well-regarded in the industry.


Ashleigh's journey in the world of fitness began long before her therapeutic exploits. As a teenager, she excelled at rhythmic gymnastics on a national level and later delved into the realms of triathlon and middle-distance running. However, a challenging back injury temporarily derailed her racing aspirations, forcing her to hang up her athletic shoes. 

Ash Tosh

But from that crisis emerged a new passion. Through intense rehabilitation and collaboration with physios and sports therapists, Ashleigh discovered the true transformative power of mobility training and strength work.


Ashleigh defied expectations and made a triumphant return to sports, even moving into powerlifting. Her personal experiences grant her a unique ability to connect with individuals from diverse backgrounds and fitness levels. She truly understands the importance of tailoring programs to suit individual goals and lifestyles.


In Ashleigh's coaching style, her clients take centre stage. She firmly believes that with the right guidance, anyone can conquer their goals. But her approach extends far beyond physical activities. 


Ashleigh embraces the holistic approach to wellness, emphasising the significance of mobility training, recovery, and stress management. She believes that true success comes not just from physical strength but also from mental well-being and overall balance in life.


  • LVL 5 Sports Therapist
  • Mobility Training
  • Injury Prevention & Rehabilitation

Coaching Style

  • Supportive
  • Informative
  • Even-keeled


  • The beach
  • Her daughter & pup
  • Music, movies & powerlifting
Steve Ahern

Ash Tosh

With a background as a successful Sports Therapist, Ashleigh has helped over 300 individuals recover from injuries and reclaim their strength. Her coaching style centres around the client, emphasising a holistic approach to wellness that includes mobility training, recovery, and stress management. With her expertise and unwavering enthusiasm, Ashleigh is not just a coach but a dedicated partner on your journey to success.