Jess Suthard

Meet Your Goal Plans PTs - Jess Suthard

Written by: Goal Plans



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Meet Your Goal Plans PTs - Jess Suthard

Your Dedicated Goal Plans Coach To Help You Lose Weight And Keep It Off

As the dedicated personal trainer and nutrition specialist at Goal Plans, Jess Suthard is passionate about using her expertise to guide individuals on their fitness journeys. With over 7 years of professional experience in the industry, a degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition, and an AFN-endorsed qualification in behaviour change, Jess is more than equipped to help clients achieve their goals, whether that's to lose weight, build strength or simply feel healthier in their own skin.


Jess's personal journey in fitness started with a love for football, during which she proudly represented a high-profile team. 

Jess Suthard

However, a pivotal injury redirected her focus towards weightlifting and CrossFit, igniting a newfound passion for these disciplines. 


Through her own fitness journey, Jess discovered the incredible impact that exercise and nutrition can have on transforming one's body and mindset.


With her comprehensive knowledge in Sport and Exercise Nutrition and expertise in behaviour change, Jess has positively impacted the lives of over 500 individuals globally. Her ability to create tailored and sustainable fitness and nutrition plans has facilitated remarkable transformations. She understands that each person is unique and requires personalised guidance and support to achieve their goals.


In her coaching style, Jess is motivating, supportive, and result oriented. She believes in empowering her clients to make long-lasting lifestyle changes, focusing not only on physical fitness but also on mental well-being. 


Jess is passionate about helping individuals achieve a healthier, happier life through exercise, nutrition, and self-care practices.


  • Nutritional Coaching & Behaviour Change
  • Weight Training
  • Weight Loss
  • Sports Performance

Coaching Style

  • Motivating
  • Supportive
  • Result-orientated


  • Long hikes with her dog
  • Travel
  • Being by the sea
Jess Suthard

Jess Suthard

Jess, the dedicated personal trainer, and nutrition specialist at Goal Plans, is here to guide you on your fitness journey. With over 7 years of experience, a degree in Sport and Exercise Nutrition, and an AFN-endorsed certification in behaviour change, she has the tools to facilitate remarkable transformations. Let Jess be the catalyst for your healthier, happier life.